The methods outlined in The Keyword Academy are incredible. I really cannot say enough about the program. It only cost me ONE DOLLAR ($1) to join and learn so much valuable information about making money online. The program focuses on making money from Adsense, but the tutorials on the site can be used for marketing ANY Website.

Here is how I MAKE SURE I am not screwing up with finding green keywords .

I added this Green Keyword Bookmarklet to my Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar. Now when I do my keyword search/research in Google, I click my bookmarklet, and get to SEE, Visually, if my keyword is green or not.

I did not program the original bookmarklet, but i did customize it to do what I needed to do. You MUST have the SEO for Firefox Plug-In loaded for this bookmarklet to work. I am not really a programmer, so it can be shortened and cleaned up...please feel free to send an update

To use the Green Keyword Bookmarklet, click on the link below (it goes to a plain old text file)... right click the bookmark toolbar and add a new bookmark. Copy the contents of the text file into the bookmark properties, and give it a name. when you pull search results to find green keywords, click on the bookmarklet after the page-ranks load.

Give the Green Keyword Bookmarklet a try, and I am guaranteed you will be happy.
Leave me any comments or suggestion below.

I'm sorry for the text download, but Blogger was VERY unhappy with my idea of what combination of characters can be displayed on my blog.

I have signed up for The Keyword Academy, and have learned more in the past 24hrs than i have in a years worth of reading Online Money Making Blogs, and other web sites. The guys over at The Keyword Academy have given you a blatant outline of how to research keywords, build a niche website, fill it with content, and market your website with proper link building techniques.

The Keyword Academy has given a wonderful formula for calculating if a certain keyword is worth your time and effort to promote to gain a substantial income. The formula and excellent instructions state that each of your websites using this method will bring in NO LESS than $50 per month with Adsense. You can add clickbank and other affiliate marketing techniques and links after that to earn more from your niche website. Monetizing a site can be difficult, but these guys show you EXACTLY how to do it.

A Green Keyword is a keyword that has met the criteria to earn $50+ USD per month. I will not tell you the calculations, but I will show you the method I use to speed up the time it takes me to find Green Keywords. I am using an Excel Macro to make my keyword research for Green Words more efficient.

Here is the Code:

Sub Searchy()
' Searchy Macro
'Replace all [ & ] with nothing
Cells.Replace What:="[", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
Cells.Replace What:="]", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False

'Add the google search URL
googy = ""

'Add active cell to variable
Search = ActiveCell

'Replace search string spaces with pluses
'This makes google see the search string as 1 and not multiples
Search2 = ReplaceinString(Search, " ", "+")

'Combine Google Seach url with Search term
googsearch = googy + Search

'Call up firefox/google
goosearch = "C:\Program Files\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe -search " + Search2
Call Shell(goosearch, 1)

End Sub
Public Function ReplaceinString(strSearch As Variant, _
strFind As String, _
strReplace As String) As Variant
If IsNull(strSearch) Then
ReplaceinString = " "
ReplaceinString = Replace(strSearch, strFind, strReplace)
End If

End Function

Add this macro to Excel, and point the shortcut to a letter on your keyboard.

Click here if you need help on How to Install an Excel Macro

This macro will remove the erroneous characters caused from researching keywords in Google; and automate your Google Search Results research with one keypress.

This one Macro will save you 25minutes of time researching Green Keywords out of every hour using the Keyword Research Methods outlined in The Keyword Academy.

GPT Site Review is a new site that reviews the most popular, and sometimes obscure GPT sites that promise to make YOU money on the internet. GPT Review will tell you what you can earn from each GPT Prgram, as well as show you how much he made, and HOW he made it.

GPT Review is not just another review site that is not maintained and spitting referral links out like candy, GPT Review has been updated as of June 2009 for GPT Sites currently active. Knowing what you are getting from a GPT site is important, as you don';t want to waste your time trying out a program, just to find out that they won't send you a check and are a scam.

Backpacking Through Europe is a new site that gives you a realistic view on what to expect when Backpacking in Europe. There are plenty of articles, a tip section, and a store all setup to help you with your backpacking adventure. There is nothing more exhilarating that strapping your backpack on, stashing your tickets and passport into a hidden pocket and hitting the road. Even the most perfectly calculated plans will change when backpacking. You can always expect delays and the occasional want to 'never leave this place'. There are a few sites out there that will tell you what you need to know about backpacking, but this site has it all laid out neatly, cleanly, and it is written by a person who has Backpacked Europe Solo more than a few times. This site is really interesting and can seriously help anyone who thinks that they want to Backpack Through Europe.

Here is how I plan on diversifying my Vagabond Online Income through Blogging

Tales of a Vagabond Blog

Clean and Green Living

Vagabond Travel Photos

My Adventures in Internet Marketing

Twitter has exploded on the internet in the past few months, and it has become an amazing marketing tool.

The Twitter Traffic Engine is a tool that will help you gain 20,000 twitter followers, and start your marketing campaign almost on Auto-Pilot. With a 60-day 100% money back guarantee. Can you find another internet marketing system that will allow you to see results in Minutes?

You can start earning money on Twitter TODAY

I updated the layout of the blog today. it was looking boring, and needed a little flare. This blog will be resurrected soon, and I will show you how I can Earn and Income from the internet.

I joined EntreCard yesterday, and I am already hooked after 24 hours. This is a blogging network, that gives click credits from the amount of other participating blogs you visit each day.

This program gives you ultimate potential, so you can gain valuable loyal readers, or add more income to your blog. PLUS, this service is absolutely free.

An added benefit to EntreCard is that some users may click on your ads by Google or Yahoo on your page and give you REAL Money from EntreCard.

Oddly enough, on my ventures through EntreCard Land, I stumbled across a group that is already doin what I was thinking. Why re-invent the wheel, when there is a convertible driving past me. I will be giving Drop 2 Top a try for the next month. With EntreCard and Blog 2 Top, I cannot lose...other than those silly TOS things that may come into play.
Join the Team Here:
Drop2Top: Original design by Talk2myCPA
Original design by Talk2myCPA

In advance of the 2009 Prom Season, I am launching My new 2009 Prom Information Site.

These are the Top 10 Paying Adsense Keywords for Prom Topics for February 2009.

Enjoy the Keyword List.

Top 10 Prom Keywords 2/2009
cheap prom dress
design your own prom dress
discount prom
plus size prom dress
plus size prom dresses
prom cheap
prom decorations
prom dj
prom dresses designer

These are the Top 10 Paying Adsense Keywords for Medical Insurance Topics for February 2009.

Enjoy the Keyword List.

Top 10 Medical Insurance Keywords 2/2009

uk medical insurance
medical gap insurance
medical insurance law
pet medical insurance
gap medical insurance

ohio medical insurance
medical insurance india
group medical insurance
medical dental insurance
medical insurance quotes

One of my on-line income projects recently has been to create a Music Festival Guide for all of the music festival concerts that are happening during the summer of 2009. I love seeing live music, and feeling the energy created by thousands of people that are all united to have fun, and hear some good music. Since I have this love for music, the scene, and an Internet Marketing Sense, I migh as well combine them all, and create a website.

I introduce to you:

The 2009 Summer Music Festival Guide

I will continue to populate this website with all the information that you need to attend ANY of the music festivals held during 2009 and beyond. I really think this will be successful, and there are festivals year round and every year, so this will be something that will be around for a long time coming.

I used to use Keyword Elite by Brad Callen for all of my keyword researching. This tool used to do it all, I thought. I could plug in a keyword and it would return thousands of keywords all relevant to my topic. From there, I was a click away from finding how much of a return those keyword would give me in terms of Google Adsense Dollars.

Welcome the Next Generation of Web Marketing Research Tools

PPC Web Spy
by: Brad Callen

With the information PPC Web Spy provides, you'll be able to take a struggling internet business and almost instantly turn it into a profitable business!

When broken down into its simplest form, what separates a failing online business from a thriving one is that the thriving business knows EXACTLY which keywords will send "buyers" to their website. While, the failing internet business (99% of internet businesses) are blindly guessing which keywords to advertise with.

Based on this extremely simplistic view, we know that in order to have a successful internet business, we MUST know with 100% certainty which keywords are going to send potential buyers to our website - people that are actually looking to purchase whatever it is we're selling.

I cannot tell you enough good things about this program.

......... Did I tell you It Is a FREE Adsense Keyword Research Tool!

You have nothing to lose.

I Made a total of $153 today payable to my Paypal account as soon as Cash4Books recieves my 2 boxes of books. It is only 23 books, but I split them in half per box to make them lighter in shipping. Cash4Books paid for the shipping, making it 100% PROFIT.

Thanks Cash4Books.
You ROCK!!

Sell Used Books Online - Quick Cash, Free Shipping, Free Quotes!

These are the Top 10 Paying Adsense Keywords for Legal Advice Topics for January 2009.

Enjoy the Keyword List.

Top 10 Legal Advice Keywords 1/2009

dayton ohio free legal advice real estate
free legal advice
free legal advice korea
free legal advice ohio
free legal advice uk
free legal advice wills
legal advice kent
legal advice on wills
legal advice uk
legal advice voyeurism

These are the Top 10 Paying Adsense Keywords for Sheet Music Topics for Februasry 2009.

Enjoy the Keyword List.

Top 10 Sheet Music Keywords 2/2009

buy sheet music
buy sheet music online
classical sheet music
easy piano lessons
online piano sheet music
online sheet music
piano keyboard lessons
piano music lessons
print sheet music
sheet music store

These are the Top 10 Paying Adsense Keywords for Marijuana Topics for January 2009.

Enjoy the Keyword List.

Top 10 Marijuana Keywords 1/2009

pot leaf
drug use
smoke pot
smoking pot
london drugs
signs of drug use
growing pot indoors

For the purposes of this blog, I will be starting off fresh in the OnLine Income World.

As I started most of my sites and promotions during the middle of the month, this is not a true outlook on what the next month will bring. So far in February 2009, as of the 10th, I have earned: $.40 just from Adsense alone.

Internet Income Reportings for January 2009:

ClickBank: $0
Adsense: $2.59
FusionCash: $0
CashCrate: $0
Affiliates: $2.39

Total January 2009 Earnings: $5.98

I will document how I will be goin about making an income from online marketing. From my blog, and my website, I will give you all the information you need to know about all types of topics. This is going to be an adventure, so come along for the ride, and enjoy yourself as much as I will.

My information is InfoTastic