I have signed up for The Keyword Academy, and have learned more in the past 24hrs than i have in a years worth of reading Online Money Making Blogs, and other web sites. The guys over at The Keyword Academy have given you a blatant outline of how to research keywords, build a niche website, fill it with content, and market your website with proper link building techniques.

The Keyword Academy has given a wonderful formula for calculating if a certain keyword is worth your time and effort to promote to gain a substantial income. The formula and excellent instructions state that each of your websites using this method will bring in NO LESS than $50 per month with Adsense. You can add clickbank and other affiliate marketing techniques and links after that to earn more from your niche website. Monetizing a site can be difficult, but these guys show you EXACTLY how to do it.

A Green Keyword is a keyword that has met the criteria to earn $50+ USD per month. I will not tell you the calculations, but I will show you the method I use to speed up the time it takes me to find Green Keywords. I am using an Excel Macro to make my keyword research for Green Words more efficient.

Here is the Code:

Sub Searchy()
' Searchy Macro
'Replace all [ & ] with nothing
Cells.Replace What:="[", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
Cells.Replace What:="]", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False

'Add the google search URL
googy = "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&num=100&q="

'Add active cell to variable
Search = ActiveCell

'Replace search string spaces with pluses
'This makes google see the search string as 1 and not multiples
Search2 = ReplaceinString(Search, " ", "+")

'Combine Google Seach url with Search term
googsearch = googy + Search

'Call up firefox/google
goosearch = "C:\Program Files\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe -search " + Search2
Call Shell(goosearch, 1)

End Sub
Public Function ReplaceinString(strSearch As Variant, _
strFind As String, _
strReplace As String) As Variant
If IsNull(strSearch) Then
ReplaceinString = " "
ReplaceinString = Replace(strSearch, strFind, strReplace)
End If

End Function

Add this macro to Excel, and point the shortcut to a letter on your keyboard.

Click here if you need help on How to Install an Excel Macro

This macro will remove the erroneous characters caused from researching keywords in Google; and automate your Google Search Results research with one keypress.

This one Macro will save you 25minutes of time researching Green Keywords out of every hour using the Keyword Research Methods outlined in The Keyword Academy.