The methods outlined in The Keyword Academy are incredible. I really cannot say enough about the program. It only cost me ONE DOLLAR ($1) to join and learn so much valuable information about making money online. The program focuses on making money from Adsense, but the tutorials on the site can be used for marketing ANY Website.
Here is how I MAKE SURE I am not screwing up with finding green keywords .
I added this Green Keyword Bookmarklet to my Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar. Now when I do my keyword search/research in Google, I click my bookmarklet, and get to SEE, Visually, if my keyword is green or not.
I did not program the original bookmarklet, but i did customize it to do what I needed to do. You MUST have the SEO for Firefox Plug-In loaded for this bookmarklet to work. I am not really a programmer, so it can be shortened and cleaned up...please feel free to send an update
To use the Green Keyword Bookmarklet, click on the link below (it goes to a plain old text file)... right click the bookmark toolbar and add a new bookmark. Copy the contents of the text file into the bookmark properties, and give it a name. when you pull search results to find green keywords, click on the bookmarklet after the page-ranks load.
Give the Green Keyword Bookmarklet a try, and I am guaranteed you will be happy.
Leave me any comments or suggestion below.
I'm sorry for the text download, but Blogger was VERY unhappy with my idea of what combination of characters can be displayed on my blog.
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